
Today, the Rule of Law Institute attended a roundtable hosted by the NSW Department of Justice, to discuss the state’s high risk offender post-sentence supervision and detention regime.

The roundtable included representatives from Legal Aid NSW, the Aboriginal Legal Service, the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association, the NSW DPP, the Public Defenders Office, and the NSW Police Force.

The Institute lodged a submission back in February this year, in respect of the mandatory statutory review of the legislation. The scope of the review has since been increased, and the Institute was invited to participate in further discussion, and provide a further submission, detailing the rule of law concerns relevant to the legislation, and suggesting ways in which the scheme might be improved.

The roundtable was highly productive, and many of the Institute’s arguments on rule of law concerns were shared by other stakeholders.

The Institute looks forward to the final report on the high risk offender scheme, and to participating in future law reform discussion at both state and federal level.

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