
The Institute’s staff keep a digest of interesting things they read about legal topics. The articles selected are aimed to assist teachers and students to keep informed about a range of legal issues in Australia and internationally. See the latest from the digest.

Enjoy the articles from September.

Must reads!

Special intelligence operations a greater threat to free speech than s18C, Katharine Gelber in the Conversation, 13 Sep 2016, article

Terry Golsworthy discusses the Queensland Government’s proposed Organised Crime Bill and questions the potential effectiveness of the laws, Terry Goldsworthy in the Sydney Morning Herald, 16 Sep 2016, article

BOCSAR find that prison population increases in NSW due to number of people on remand and court delays, Michaela Whitbourn in the Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Sep 2016, article



New approaches to Evidence Based Policing (EBP) in Western Australia, Stephen Easton for The Mandarin ($), 29 Sep 2016, article

Does defamation pose a threat to free speech on social media? David Rolph in the Conversation, 15 Sep 2016, article

Maxing out: stricter parole laws in Victoria may be making the community less safe, Josie Taylor for ABC Online, 09 Sep 2016, article

Australian Bar Association looks for ways to deal with legal aid crisis, Australian Bar Association, 09 Sep 2016, media release



Eritrea building its own type of political system, Yemane Gebreab interviewed by Deutsche Welle, 13 Sep 2016, article

The US Senate’s investigation into the CIA’s torture program: Part III, Spencer Ackerman for The Guardian, 11 Sep 2016, article

The US Senate’s investigation into the CIA’s torture program: Part II, Spencer Ackerman for The Guardian, 10 Sep 2016, article

The US Senate’s investigation into the CIA’s torture program: Part I, Spencer Ackerman for The Guardian, 09 Sep 2016, article

‘Kirk’: the tension between the principle of finality and appellate jurisdiction, Sarah-Jane Morris for AusPubLaw, 09 Sep 2016, article

The crisis in America’s public defender system, Oliver Laughland in The Guardian, 07 Sep 2016, article

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