
The Institute’s staff keep a digest of interesting things they read about legal topics. The articles selected are aimed to assist teachers and students to keep informed about a range of legal issues in Australia and internationally. See the latest from the digest.

Enjoy the articles from October.

The Wongso trial and issues with Indonesia’s judicial system, article
Simon Butt for the Conversation, 28 Oct 2016

Poland refuses to implement rule of law recommendations from the EU, article
Aleksandra Eriksson for the EUObserver, 27 Oct 2016

Equality before the law for terrorists, article
Giles Fraser for the Guardian, 28 Oct 2016

ALRC President on supported decision making: equality, capacity and disability in Cth laws, speech
Professor Rosalind Croucher, President of the Australian Law Reform Commission, 20 Oct 2016

Reputation, the rule of law and Hong Kong in the midst of major political challenges, article
Stuart Lau for the South China Morning Post, 24 Oct 2016

Automation and exponential scaling of cyber crime as artificial intelligence evolves, article
John Markoff for the New York Times, 23 Oct 2016

How to ensure serious judicial misconduct does not occur, conference paper
Justice Rosalind Atkinson at the Asian North American Oceania regional group of the International Association of Jurists Conference, 16 Oct 2016

Responses to the Rule of Law Index 2016: ‘Ukraine inches up in global rule of law rankings, still stuck near bottom’, article
Rahim Rahemtulla for the Kyiv Post, 21 Oct 2016

Responses to the Rule of Law Index 2016: ‘US trails 17 other Countries in Rule of Law Ranking’, article
Devon Haynie for US News, 20 Oct 2016

Responses to the Rule of Law Index 2016: ‘Greece struggles in its rule of law’, article
Kathimerini English Edition, 21 Oct 2016

Responses to the Rule of Law Index 2016: ‘The Nordics have the best rule of law in the world’, article
Vilhelm Carlstrom in the Business Insider Nordic, 21 Oct 2016

The World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index for 2016 has been released, infographic
The World Justice Project, 20 Oct 2016

King Abdullah II of Jordan on the rule of law and civil state, article
King Abdullah of Jordan in Ammon, 16 Oct 2016

Senior Advocate of Nigeria proposes suspending the rule of law for one year to fight corruption, interview
Chief Niyi Akintola intervieed by the Nigerian Tribune, 15 Oct 2016

On what basis do we judge people dangerous?, opinion
Greg Barns for the Mercury, 17 Oct 2016

How negotiable is the rule of law when fighting corruption?, article
Ropo Sekoni for The Nation, 16 Oct 2016

The Icelandic approach to top bankers implicated in the 2008 crash, article
Alexandra Sims for the Independent, 07 Oct 2016

West Australian juror dismissed for posting on social media that the accused was ‘guilty’ prior to the trial commencing., Article
Heather McNeill in WA Today, 13 Oct 2016

EU says systemic risk to the rule of law continues in Poland, article
Barbara Wesel for Deutsche Welle, 13 Oct 2016

Garry Kasparov wins case against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights, article
Rebecca Hersher for NPR, 11 Oct 2016

Contractual gags for academics participating in public debate, article
Katharine Gelber for the Conversation, 12 Oct 2016

The rise of surveillance capitalism, transparency and the war on encryption, article
Monique Mann for the Conversation, 11 Oct 2016

Bi-partisan support for tolerance and “equal rights” and racial tolerance to counter rise in concern about migration, Article
Stephanie Anderson for ABC News Online, 11 Oct 2016

The Holy See: rule of law is important for the weakest in society, podcast/media release
Archbishop Auza on Vatican Radio, 08 Oct 2016

Has progress on rule of law stalled in Africa?, article
Karen McVeigh and Kate Hodal in the Guardian, 04 Oct 2016

The standoff between George Brandis and the Solicitor-General threatens the rule of law, article
Gabrielle Appleby in The Conversation, 06 Oct 2016

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