
We are pleased to publish  Young Lawyers and the Rule of Law, a joint initiative of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia and the NSW Young Lawyers International Law Committee. We hope that this publication promotes a broader understanding of the intersection of international law and the rule of law amongst the profession, community and young people.

This publication is the result of a lengthy collaboration between the Institute and the Committee with the support of the staff of both organisations. Particular acknowledgement goes to the authors and William Shrubb former Policy Officer of the Institute.

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia is proud to support such an interesting range of articles that discuss and explore international law of the past, present and future. We first and foremost thank the authors for their time and effort in researching and writing articles, and the NSW Young Lawyers International Law Committee for partnering with the Institute to produce this publication. Nick Clark,  former CEO and Education Director of the Rule of Law Institute

Young Lawyers and the Rule of Law

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A primary focus of the Committee is to broaden knowledge and awareness of international law within the legal profession and the wider Australian community. This publication created with the works of International Law Committee blog interns at the Rule of Law Institute of Australia is a vital resource for engaging the wider community, especially legal studies teachers and students of legal studies. Achinthi Vithanage Chair (April 2015 – April 2017)  of the NSW Young Lawyers International Law Committee


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