
Dubbo Teachers Professional Development

Download the Presentation

Jackie Charles, our Education Manager, is very pleased to be presenting to teachers attending the Dubbo School of Distance Education Professional Development Day 2018. Professional Development and teaching resources are available here for download.

Bowraville Murders – Double Jeopardy

Our Case Note on the Bowraville Murder is available here.

Teaching Bail in NSW

The law for bail in NSW is set out in the Bail Act 2013 (the Act).

Under the Act, a bail authority must decide whether the accused person should be held in gaol (called on remand) before their hearing or whether they should be released, with or without conditions, into the community. When the accused person applies for bail they are called the bail applicant.

The bail process is not meant to punish an accused person. When considering their application the bail authority weighs up their right to liberty against other considerations, such as the safety of the community and the need for the accused person to appear at court as part of the trial process. It can take months or even years before a matter comes to trial.

Bail is therefore made available to  allow the accused (but not convicted) person to remain out of gaol until their trial, often with bail conditions.

The Bail Process

The NSW Bail Process 2018

The NSW Bail Process 2018

The diagram shows how the bail process works in NSW. A new case note R v Davis [2018] is a good example or how the process works when bail applications get to the Supreme Court of NSW. Download the case note here

Teaching resource – Bail NSW

2018 NSW Bail Resource

Download the 2018 NSW Bail Resource

Our teaching resource for 2018 is designed to assist teachers and students to understand the bail process, with the assistance of a glossary, two case studies and an in-depth examination of  the key elements. The resource is best printed as an A3.

Legal Literacy

The ILAC Scaffold develops legal literacy by breaking down a legal issue into its key components.

I  – Identify the Legal Issue

L- State the relevant Law ( Statute and Case Law)

A- Apply the Law to the facts of the legal issue/case

C – Write a conclusion on the outcome of applying the law to facts

Local Court Role Play

Our Local Court role play is suitable for Commerce and Legal Studies students it can be included in a three lesson sequence. Lesson 1 – Discussion of courts – court hierarchy, the rule of law principle of open justice, court personnel. Assignment of roles for the role play. Lesson 2 – Role Play Lesson 3 – Reflection on role play. Discussion on sentencing and a class task of unpacking a sentencing decision.

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