
Court Excursion Documents

Key Policy Documents

To ensure your excursion to the Courts runs smoothly, please click on the images to download the below policy documents.

For Law Day Out bookings:

Flow Chart: How To Book

Teachers Information Pack

Terms and Conditions

Court Programs Risk Management Pro-forma

Privacy Policy

Student Activities 

Your Guide to Law Day Out

Workbook 1:
Pre-Learning Activities

Workbook 3:
After the Excursion

Workbook 2:
The Court Experience

Student Information
and Instructions

Downing Centre

Book a Court Excursion

Sydney  Court Visit Program – A  self-guided visit to the courts, booking a Court Visit is free of charge and includes relevant security information and ensures approved access to court buildings.

Law Day Out Court Excursion Program (LDO) –  A Court Experience facilitated by a Rule of Law Educator with the opportunity, where possible, to meet a Judicial Officer.  LDO’s are limited to 45 students with group based pricing. 

Virtual Law Day Out – An free online court experience
General enquiries about the rule of law and the work of the Institute: info@ruleoflaw.org.au
Inquiries regarding school visits, education programmes and resource requests: education@ruleoflaw.org.au
Inquiries regarding our Court Visit programmes: courtvisit@ruleoflaw.org.au

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