
Advocacy for Curriculum Changes

The Rule of Law Education has provided feedback and submissions on the Australian and New South Wales Curriculums.  We believe that democracy and the key principles that underline our system of government such as equality, fairness and justice must be deliberately and intentionally taught to every generation of Australians. Intentionality ensures each generation has sufficient knowledge, understanding, skills and values required to maintain a constitutional, liberal democracy.

Our Rule of Law Wheel states ‘the rule of law must be supported by informed and active citizens.’ As a result our submissions regarding the curriculum consider, from a rule of law perspective, whether Australian students are being equipped with adequate knowledge so can they be active, informed, responsible and engaged citizens and undertake their civic duties to ensure the stability of the Australian community going forward.

A copy of our most recent submissions are: 

Submissions for  the New South Wales Curriculum Review:

NSW Legal Studies Curriculum

NSW Commerce Curriculum

NSW History Curriculum

Submissions for  the Australian Curriculum Review:

NSW Legal Studies Thumbnail Advisory Panel

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