The Hon. Kevin Lindgren AM QC

The Hon. Kevin Lindgren AM QC

RoLIA is excited to announce that the Hon Kevin Lindgren AM QC, will be speaking at the University of Sydney Law School as part of the Distinguished Speakers Program. His lecture is open to the public and will address current tensions between governments and the courts over attempts to enlist the courts as co-fighters against crime, how access to the courts, and the accessibility of legislation highlight the relevance and importance of the Rule of Law.

Click here to register for the event and for secure online payment on the Sydney Law School’s website.

Date: 18 July 2013

Location: New Law School Building (F10), Eastern Ave, University of Sydney

Cost: Full fee $25, Sydney Law School Alumni $20, USyd Students $10

Contact: PLace Team Leader at the Sydney Law School on 02 9351 0248 or law.events@sydney.edu.au

The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM QC is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Sydney, amongst his appointments at other universities. Dr Lindgren worked as a solicitor and academic before practising at the Bar in Sydney and was made Queen’s Counsel in 1991. He was appointed as a Judge of the Federal Court in 1994 and decided cases across the full range of the Court’s jurisdiction. Since his retirement from the Bench in 2010 he continues to write extensively on the law and is engaged in mediation and arbitration work.

Lawyers/barristers: attendance at this seminar is equal to 1 MCLE/CPD unit.

See also: Sydney Law School’s page for the event

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