Today is the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta!

Vice President of the Rule of Law Institute Malcolm Stewart appeared on ABC News 24 and on ABC 702 to discuss the Magna Carta.

The anniversary will be marked by a Magna Carta themed episode of Q&A on ABC1 at 9.30pm AEST. It will feature Magna Carta Committee Member Bret Walker SC and Parliamentary Patron, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, a celebration event run by the Centre for Independent Studies, a Ceremonial Sitting of the ACT Supreme Court, and a lecture on Human Rights and the Magna Carta at the Australian National University.

See below for a summary of events and some links to great videos and article on Magna Carta. Also check out our Magna Carta Committee’s website for even more news and info  – www.magnacarta.org.au

The ABC Radio National website allows you t0 submit your own clause for a #newmagnacarta.

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In the news today:


Momentum has been building over the course of 2015

The Magna Carta Committee has organised events and collaborated with groups from around the nation.

The Australian Senate began the Magna Carta celebrations as they gave the Magna Carta a special mention in February.

The Clerk of the Senate, Rosemary Laing, alongside Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee Nicholas Cowdery AM QC then spoke at a Magna Carta Symposium at the State Library of NSW in May, along with other fine minds on the subject of Australia and the Magna Carta.


The sinister figure of King John casts his shadow in the public hall at the High Court of Australia.

Our exhibition Magna Carta: To None Will We Deny Justice, for school students opened at the High Court of Australia. Coinciding with the launch of the exhibition was the launch of the accompanying website – magnacartalegacy.org which is supported generously by a grant from the Magna Carta 800th Committee in the United Kingdom.


The start of June saw heightened discussion of the Magna Carta and its impact on society.

Malcolm Stewart, a member of the Magna Carta Committee appeared on ABC 702 Sydney to discuss the Magna Carta on Wednesday (listen to the audio).

The University of Sydney and the Rule of Law Institute ran a panel discussion on Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws and the Magna Carta, Bret Walker SC, a Magna Carta Committee Member, was a guest speaker – along with Dr Emily Crawford and Professor Colin Wight. Timebase and Lawyers Weekly covered the discussion.


The Law Society Journal featuring 800 Years Young

The June edition of the Law Society Journal featured Magna Carta: 800 Years Young, a paper by Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, and an article on the Symposium held earlier in the year.


The Ceremonial Sitting of the ACT Supreme Court will include a Magna Carta Cake, or ‘Magna Cake’ for short.

The celebrations, like the Magna Carta itself, live on after the anniversary on June 15.

A Magna Cake – Perfect for any Magna Carta related celebration.

The Tasmanian Parliament is holding a celebratory event on the 16th June at Parliament House in Hobart.

The National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference on the 18-19th of June has a Magna Carta theme to mark the occasion. Nicholas Cowdery AM QC is presenting at the conference.

The Judicial Independence in Australia Conference at the University of Queensland is sponsored by the Rule of Law Institute and is also celebrating the legacy and impact of the Magna Carta.



Magna Carta Celebrations World-Wide


The British Council - Magna Carta (1946)

The British Council – Magna Carta (1946)


Media Articles




Of Historical Interest

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