Why we were established
The Rule of Law Education Centre, together with the Rule of Law Institute of Australia work to promote and uphold the rule of law.
In the early days of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia, Peter Goldsmith former Attorney General of the UK Government described the organisation as “watchdogs of liberty in a mature and responsible way…” with the media reporting: “The Rule of Law Institute of Australia takes a principle-based approach in its examination of the law and administration of the laws which impinge on fundamental rights and liberties.”
As is today, the Rule of Law Education Centre focuses on rule of law principles not politics. It was established to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and to provide education regarding the Magna Carta and the underlying checks and balances that protect us in Australia today. These principles include equality before the law, an independent judiciary, separation of powers, presumption of innocence, freedom of speech and the model litigant obligations. By clearly and explicitly teaching these principles at school and university, Australians are equipped to not only understand and obey laws, but to constructively engage with the law and government and to challenge then when needed.
One of the fundamental features of Australia’s system of government is that everyone has a responsibility to make their own assessments about public policy debates. That means accepting that part of the price of living in a free society is that flawed ideas should be free to circulate alongside those that are worthy. Telling the difference is the role of an informed citizenry, not governments and their officials.
We represent Australians
We represent ordinary, law abiding Australians who wish to uphold the democratic freedoms and protections that the rule of law provides.
We are supported by over 2,800 members, 71% of which are teachers around Australia.
We are an independent, non-partisan, non political organisation. Our resources and commentary promote good governance in Australia by the rule of law- and not one side of politics.
Board of the Rule of Law Education Centre
Margaret Cunneen SC
Barrister at Law and former Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor
Malcolm Stewart
Senior Vice President
Managing Director, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
Chris Merritt
Vice President
Weekly columist for the Australian newspaper
Sally Layson
CEO of Rule of Law Education Centre
Governing Committee
The Governing Committee of the Rule of Law Education Centre comprises:
– David Lowy AM
– Hugh Morgan AC
– Bruce McWilliam
– Ian Roberston AO
– Emeritus Professor Geoffrey de Q Walker
2024 Annual Report
Our Annual Reports highlights the work of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia together with the Rule of Law Education Centre in protecting our freedoms through education and public commentary.
The Rule of Law Education Centre has become the education centre for school students on the Rule of Law. This is primarily carried out by conducting the Law Day Outs and providing teaching material to teachers.
It is non – political, neither left nor right and unique in today’s environment.
Comments are made on political matters which adversely affect the rule of law such as the new Federal ICAC Act, proposed defamation changes, consent in rape cases, bail laws, important High and other court cases.