Primary Education Resources are GO! Expanding upon our successful High School education program, we have launched a Primary Schools education program. This program aims to provide curriculum content in the key learning area of Humanities and Social Sciences for...
Rule of Law Education provides free posters for classroom teachers to download. You can see all of our posters on our Infographics page. We have updated two of our most popular posters, Magna Carta Legacy and Seperation of Powers. Click on the images below to download...
Our new Mandatory Sentencing Resource, available for download by clicking on the image to the right, discusses the NSW offence of ‘Assault Causing Death’, the so-called One Punch offence, and includes a case note summarising the sentencing decision in R v...
Case Note: Prasad Direction Director of Public Prosecutions Reference No 1 of 2017 [2019] HCA 9 (Prasad Case) Procedural fairness A fair trial in accordance with the law Trial judge’s directions to the jury and the Prasad direction Procedural fairness, a fair trial...
Implied Freedom of Political Communication The Australian Constitution (“the Constitution”) does not explicitly mention the phrase “freedom of speech” anywhere, however the High Court in Nationwide News Pty Ltd v Wills (1992) 177 CLR 1 and Australian Capital...