Case Note – Consumer Law

Case Note – Consumer Law

Consumer Law – Dishwasher Tablets and Stuck-on Food Reckitt Benckiser (Australia) Pty Limited v Procter & Gamble Australia Pty Limited [2018] FCA 378 Justice Lee of the Federal Court of Australia recently decided on a case under the Australian Consumer Law....
Case Note – Human Rights and Migration Law

Case Note – Human Rights and Migration Law

AYX18 v Minister of Home Affairs[2018] FCA 283 A recent decision by Justice Perram in the Federal Court demonstrates how independent decision making by judges protects human rights and enforces international human rights agreements. This migration case involves...
Case Note – Environmental Protection

Case Note – Environmental Protection

 Newcastle Port Corporation v MS Magdalene Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MBH [2013] NSWLEC 210 This case concerns a heavy fuel oil spill in Newcastle NSW and the legal proceedings that followed. The case demonstrates how the law deals with complex issues relating to...
Rule of Law Perspectives in Southeast Asia – Phillipines

Rule of Law Perspectives in Southeast Asia – Phillipines

The Business Mirror – an online business publication from the Phillipines recently published an interesting editorial examining the rule of law. The title – ‘The Rule of Law. So What?’ The editorial includes insights into differing...
The Rule of Law and Customary Law

The Rule of Law and Customary Law

Cultural Burial and the Law The law in NSW is found in legislation (laws made by Parliament) and case law (laws made by judges).  This is sometimes called ‘Black Letter Law’ which is the foundation of the rule of law.  However, due to the cultural diversity of...

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