Submission on Deferred Prosecution Agreements

Submission on Deferred Prosecution Agreements

The Institute has lodged a submission with the federal Attorney-General’s Department, recommending against the introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) in Australia. The Institute argued that a DPA scheme may undermine respect for corporate...
NSW Parliament passes crime bills with serious RoL concerns

NSW Parliament passes crime bills with serious RoL concerns

NSW Parliament passed the Crimes (Serious Crime Prevention Orders) Bill 2016 and the Criminal Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Public Safety) Bill 2016 yesterday without amendment, meaning both Bills are just awaiting assent before they become law. Both...
Parliamentary committee on ATO scrutiny releases report

Parliamentary committee on ATO scrutiny releases report

The federal Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue has today tabled its report into the scrutiny arrangements for the Australian Tax Office (ATO). The Committee has declined to recommend any changes to the scrutiny arrangements, finding that any duplication of...
Submission on Deferred Prosecution Agreements

Senate committee on federal ICAC releases report

The Select Committee on the establishment of a National Integrity Commission has released its interim report, just days after conducting public hearings in Sydney and Canberra. The Institute made a written submission to the Committee, recommending against establishing...
High Court retains advocates’ immunity

High Court retains advocates’ immunity

The High Court has decided to retain the so-called “advocates’ immunity” – the immunity enjoyed by lawyers for negligent actions or omissions done in the conduct of a case in court, or done out of court, but which are intimately connected with...

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