Mandatory sentencing in Canada

Mandatory sentencing in Canada

The Canadian Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of mandatory sentencing in a recent controversial judgment handed down this month: R v Lloyd 2016 SCC 13. The case concerned a mandatory sentencing regime introduced by the previous Conservative government,...
Institute appears before Senate committee hearing

Institute appears before Senate committee hearing

The Institute gave evidence yesterday before a public hearing of the Select Committee on the establishment of a National Integrity Commission, arguing that any such Commission must take into account concerns about the NSW ICAC model. Vice President Malcolm Stewart...
Sir Owen Dixon’s 130th birthday

Sir Owen Dixon’s 130th birthday

Sir Owen Dixon, the sixth Chief Justice of the High Court, was born 130 years today — on 28 April 1886 — in Hawthorn, Melbourne. He was widely lauded, both during his judicial career and afterwards, as Australia’s greatest judge, and indeed one of...
Submission on a National Integrity Commission

Submission on a National Integrity Commission

The Institute has lodged a submission with the Senate Select Committee on the Establishment of a National Integrity Commission, arguing that no such federal anti-corruption body is needed. Our submission noted that we favour strong anti-corruption institutions,...

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