Around the world with rule of law

Around the world with rule of law

The objective of RoLIA is to foster the rule of law in Australia. Elsewhere in the world, an increasing number of organisations have been established to promote the rule of law within their home countries and worldwide. Some rely on government support, others are...
RoLIA welcomes Red Tape Repeal Initiative

RoLIA welcomes Red Tape Repeal Initiative

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia (ROLIA) welcomes the statement by the Prime Minister, that the Government has introduced legislation and tabled documents to repeal more than 10,000 pieces and more than 50,000 pages of legislation and regulations. RoLIA is an...
Australia’s Ranking in the Rule of Law Index

Australia’s Ranking in the Rule of Law Index

The World Justice Project’s 2014 Rule of Law Index has just been published. Based on data collected from over 100,000 households and experts (including RoLIA CEO Kate Burns and Board member Nicholas Cowdery AM QC), it ranks 99 countries in terms of a range of rule of...

Jury Trials and ‘the exclusionary rule’

“Finality is a good thing, but justice is a better” per Lord Atkin in Ras Behari Lal v King-Emperor (1933) Privy Council decision. The High Court in its decision dated 12 February 2014, Smith v the State of Western Australia 2014 HCA3 found that a jury verdict of...
Education Resource on QLD Bikie Laws

Education Resource on QLD Bikie Laws

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia (RoLIA)  has produced an education resource for secondary students in Queensland to help them understand the laws passed to deal with organised crime in Queensland. The booklet explains aspects of the following issues: The VLAD...

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