
The Rule of Law and Civil Society

In a recent speech at the Great Synagogue in Sydney, Chief Justice James Allsop of the Federal Court spoke candidly about the need to value “civility, reason, fairness and justice.  … Civility and manners in social intercourse are not bourgeois affectations; they are...

More Mandatory Sentences in NSW 2014

The Crimes Amendment (Intoxication) Bill 2014 was introduced this week into the NSW Parliament. It increases the penalty by two years for a number of assault offences if they were committed by an adult who was intoxicated at the time. They also set mandatory minimum...
Sentencing is the Job of Judges 2014

Sentencing is the Job of Judges 2014

In the recent High Court decision Barbaro v The Queen; Zirilli v The Queen [2014] HCA 2 the High Court considered another aspect of the sentencing process: does the prosecution have any role in informing the judge about what sentence should be imposed? A practice has...
Welcome to the National Civics Curriculum

Welcome to the National Civics Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has released the National Curriculum on Civics and Citizenship that, pending approval from State and Territory education ministers, will be implemented over the next few years in schools throughout...

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