
Submission on the performance of ASIC

On 29 October 2013 the Rule of Law Institute made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Performance of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Our full submission is now available and can also be found on the Inquiry’s website. The...
ASIC and Senate Estimates

ASIC and Senate Estimates

The Inquiry into the performance of the Australian Investments and Securities Commission (ASIC) by the Senate Standing Committee on Economics has so far published 183 submissions. A term of reference in the Inquiry asks whether ASIC’s accountability framework...
The Rule of Law and The World Anti-Doping Authority Code

The Rule of Law and The World Anti-Doping Authority Code

  Guest writer Dr Ben Koh is a medical doctor with postgraduate qualification in Sports Medicine and an American College of Sports Medicine accredited exercise specialist. His first doctorate in the faculty of business, school of management, explored athletes’...

Tough new bikie laws – what’s the problem?

Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan has foreshadowed tougher national unexplained wealth laws. These laws reverse the onus of proof. Where there is a “reasonable suspicion” that an individual has engaged in serious criminal activity, a court can order that...

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