
Queensland Rule of Law Essay Competition Open

The Queensland Rule of Law Essay Prize for secondary students is now open for submissions. Check the submission guidelines for further details. RoLIA’s research guide may provide some interesting case studies for you to kick start your research. The research guide is...

The Year So Far: High Court Decisions and Rule of Law

Rule of law issues have featured significantly in a number of High Court judgments over the past weeks. In Monis v The Queen [2013] HCA 4, handed down on 27 February 2013,  a range of views were expressed by members of the High Court about the ambit of freedom of...

Are you keeping up with legislation?

The volume and complexity of law is of great concern in maintaining the rule of law. If the law is so complex and vast that it cannot be known fairness and certainty in the legal system suffers. Scrutiny of bills is important in upholding the rule of law, but also in...

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act

Sweeping new powers to investigate the use of drugs amongst athletes have been proposed in amendments to the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act. The Senate Committee considering the amendments received a range of submissions expressing grave concerns about...
Media Release: Hands off right to silence

Media Release: Hands off right to silence

The right to remain silent when being investigated is a fundamental principle of our system of justice, alongside the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. It is the “golden thread” that runs through our common law system of criminal justice, as...

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