Higgins Settlement: Legal Services Directions and the NACC Higgins Settlement On Tuesday 13th December 2022, a financial settlement was made between Brittany Higgins and the federal government based upon her claims she was not supported by Senator Reynolds or...
Checks and Balances Scorecard: Pandemic Legislation The Rule of Law Education Centre has developed the Checks and Balances Scorecard to measure the adequacy of oversight mechanisms in emergency laws that manage pandemics such as Covid- 19 (“Pandemic Legislation”). It...
Free Professional Development Opportunity for our teacher members The Rule of Law Education Centre is offering our teacher members the opportunity to come and meet with our staff and attend an LDO style experience. What to expect: A taste of the Law Day Out style...
Digital Justice What We Can Learn from the Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice System? COVID-19 and the unprecedented impact it had on the courts and justice system has provided a number of lessons and revealed opportunities for our justice system to continue to...
The Voice Referendum Confused by the contradictory claims in the YES/NO Official pamphlet? One of our law students currently studying Constitutional Law had to compare opposing claims from the Official YES NO pamphlet and what legal experts from both sides had to...