How do you prevent a democratically elected person becoming a dictator? Lessons from the Magna Carta In 1215, England was ruled by the tyrannical King John. He ruled with absolute authority by reason of his position as King. He believed a King could act as he...
Magna Carta and Human Rights What is the relationship between the Magna Carta and Human Rights? The Magna Carta, which is Latin for The Great Charter, was a list of demands and expectations forced on the evil King, John of England in 1215. King John was so...
The State of Civics and Citizenship Education in NSW Comparison between the NSW and Australian Curriculum The Rule of Law Education Centre advocates for and educates Australian school students and the wider community about the history and foundations of Australia’s...
Comparison of Judicial Independence Afganistan, Poland and Australia Independence of the Judiciary is a key feature of the separation of powers and supports the achievement of the Rule of Law. It also provides crucial checks and balances within legal systems...
Is ICAC Just a kangaroo court? Chris Merritt wrote in the Australian newspaper on 5 May 2022 that: “The nation owes Stephen Rushton a vote of thanks. As one of the three ICAC commissioners in NSW, Rushton’s argument that his organisation is not a kangaroo court...