Complacent Democracy: Chipping away at the Rule of Law

Complacent Democracy: Chipping away at the Rule of Law

Chipping away at the Rule of Law There will be many lessons from the war in Ukraine, some of which are already apparent. Others will emerge over time as liberal democracies recognise they have been complacent about the one idea that sets them apart from autocracies:...
International Day of Women Judges

International Day of Women Judges

International Day of Women Judges After its inception by the UN’s general assembly in April 2021, the International Day of Women Judges is being celebrated for the first time on the 10th of March this year. The day recognises the contributions of women judges...
Victorian Pandemic Management bill

Victorian Pandemic Management bill

The Victorian government’s latest pandemic legislation, the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 has been the subject of some serious concern within the legal profession.  In an open letter signed by some of Victoria’s...
Eureka rebellion

Eureka rebellion

Eureka rebellion Why was the Eureka Rebellion important and what was its contribution to democracy in Australia? This page includes everything you need to answer this question- including an audio reading, democracy timeline, character chards, a debate and a fun...
Did Democracy die during the Pandemic?

Did Democracy die during the Pandemic?

Did Democracy die during the pandemic? Covid, Law-makers and our Liberty The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated drastic laws to preserve the health and livelihood of the nation. Though lawful, many of the Public Health Orders have lacked public scrutiny and the...

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