Media and Social Media Presentation to LSA

Media and Social Media Presentation to LSA

Media and Social Media as a non legal response Rule of Law Education Centre Presentation to the Legal Studies Association Presentation Slides   On Monday August 8, the team at the Rule of Law Education Centre were invited to present to members of the Legal...
Wisdom from Hon Sir Brennan

Wisdom from Hon Sir Brennan

Wise Words from Hon Sir Brennan Sir Gerard Brennan, the former Chief Justice who was primarily responsible for recognising Aboriginal native title, has died at the age of 94, triggering widespread praise for his role in overturning the concept of terra nullius. He was...
Tribute Judge Zahra

Tribute Judge Zahra

Judge Peter  Zahra, a NSW Disctrict Court Judge was appointed to the bench in 2007,  and passed away in hospital on Sunday 8th May after suffering a stroke. Judge Zahra was one of the Law Day Out Programs biggest supporters. From the infancy of the program His Honour...

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