Our civic duty to all Australians is more than just hand washing We call on everyday Australians, regardless of their political persuasion, to do their civic duty to protect Australia from the damaging impacts of COVID-19. This is more than just social distancing,...
Welcome to a Virtual Law Day Out This Virtual Law Day Out will give you a taste of what it is like to visit a court room. The courts are an essential institution for upholding the rule of law. They represent the judicial arm of the separation of powers, provide an...
Chris Merritt, Vice President of The Rule of Law Institute of Australia has prepared a report on Class Actions in Australia. To read the report click here. The report highlights that any system of compensation that costs more to run than it delivers in...
Over 800 years ago the Magna Carta was sealed. It was a time when the people of England were struggling for justice and freedom. For years they fought for fairness and equality- and in 1215 they found a way. A peace treaty, now called the Magna Carta, was made...