Curriculum Review

Curriculum Review

Advocacy for Curriculum Changes The Rule of Law Education has provided feedback and submissions on the Australian and New South Wales Curriculums.  We believe that democracy and the key principles that underline our system of government such as equality, fairness and...
Separation of Powers

Separation of Powers

Separation of Powers Return to Principles The separation of powers is a concept that requires that the arms of government act as checks and balances on each other’s power. It is the ultimate protection of human rights as it ensures that it is the law that rules,...
Just Laws

Just Laws

Ruled by Just Laws Return to Principles Under the rule of law, all people should be ruled by just laws. But what makes a good law? Is it just a law that happens to be supported by the political party we favour?  Or is there something more fundamental, some set of...

Videos & Podcasts

The below videos help students understand the rule of law. These videos can be found on the Rule of Law Legal Studies Youtube channel. New Human Rights Explainer Videos Concepts in the Law with Mr Walter Sofronoff KC Current Issues What is the rule of law video series...

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