Lord Sydney

Lord Sydney

Explainers Return to Education Resources > Curriculum links and program ideas Civics, Citizenship and Laws Magna Carta and Human Rights Australian Colonies Democracy and Australian Governance POSTERS Who was the city of Sydney named after? While many people around...
Digital Justice in a Pandemic

Digital Justice in a Pandemic

Digital Justice What We Can Learn from the Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice System?  COVID-19 and the unprecedented impact it had on the courts and justice system has provided a number of lessons and revealed opportunities for our justice system to continue to...
Designs for a Federal ICAC

Designs for a Federal ICAC

What Safeguards does a Federal ICAC need?   Designs for the proposed National Integrity Commission Benchmarks that could help you reach your own conclusions when the government unveils its plans. We already know a a little about the commission’s key functions...
Yes No Referendum Pamphlet

Yes No Referendum Pamphlet

The Voice Referendum Confused by the contradictory claims in the YES/NO Official pamphlet? One of our law students currently studying Constitutional Law had to compare opposing claims from the Official YES NO pamphlet and what legal experts from both sides had to...
Chris Dawson Trial and role of Media

Chris Dawson Trial and role of Media

Chris Dawson’s Trial Case Note, Timeline and Relevant Resources How effective is the media as a non-legal measure in achieving justice? Conversely, what are the risks and challenges that the media may pose to existing legal measures used by police and courts?...

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