
School Visits

Schools can book a one-hour presentation for any topic in this key learning area to help engage students and support teachers Free for a limited time Topics include: Civics Education – rules and laws, local government, civics, citizens and citizenship Democracy – the...
European Settlement

European Settlement

European Settlement and Terra Nullius This resource outlines what the doctrine of terra nullius means and how this fiction came to describe British rule in Australia. It also outlines how the British legally claimed sovereignty over Australia via occupation and its...

Primary Education Mailing List

Australia’s Magna Carta Institute- Rule of Law Education provides free resources for teachers and students in understanding concepts in Australian history and civics education through the key learning area of Humanities and Social Sciences. Teaching material is...

Contemporary Issues in QLD Bail Legislation

Contemporary Issues in QLD Bail Legislation Queensland: Knee-jerk reactions to law reform Due to the changing nature of online platforms as a direct outcome of advancements in technology and increased media influence, coverage on bail has also been impacted. The...

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