Additional Reading – The Keli Lane Case

Additional Reading – The Keli Lane Case

The Keli Lane case has captured the attention of the Australian public since 2011. The disappearance of baby Tegan  and her mother’s conviction for her murder has raised a number of legal and social issues. Recently the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)...
Buzzfeed: Are YOU ready for a Day at the Courts?

Buzzfeed: Are YOU ready for a Day at the Courts?

Going to the Courts with your school is a serious matter. A Court building is a workplace and some people may be having a very stressful day. It is important you know the appropriate behaviour and security protocol before coming to the courts.  Share this Buzzfeed...
Cardinal Pell to High Court: 11 March 2020

Cardinal Pell to High Court: 11 March 2020

Update: On Tuesday 7 April 2020 the High Court of Australia handed down a unanimous decision quashing Cardinal George Pell’s convictions for child sexual assault.  A copy of the transcript is found here Pell v The Queen [2020] HCA. We have prepared a Case...
Australia Day: Let’s Celebrate Our Nation

Australia Day: Let’s Celebrate Our Nation

January 26 is a day set aside on the Australian calendar to remember the arrival of Europeans to our shore in the landing of the First Fleet, 1788. This is also a day remembered by Australian Indigenous communities as a day of invasion. Should we celebrate Australia...

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