Duncan Sinclair and the Alexander Download the PDF file Return to the Lost Parcel Home Page> The Alexander and the first fleet voyage Duncan Sinclair was the Ship Master of the Alexander, which arrived in Sydney Cove on the 26th of January, 1788 The Alexander was...
Henry Kable 1763 – 1846 Return to the Lost Parcel Home Page> Download the PDF file Henry Kable was convicted of burglary together with his father and uncle at Thetford, Norfolk, England on 1 February 1783 and initially sentenced to death. On the 5 April,...
CIVICS AND CITIZENSHIP COMPETITION: Improving Student Knowledge and Understanding of Civics Expressions of Interest to Join Pilot Program Donate to help us run this program If you are unable to fill in the expression of interest form, please email Justine at...
Rights and Responsibilities What are they and how are they connected? Learn about informed competition > In Australia, we enjoy many rights and freedoms. We can go to school, travel to other states for holidays, have access to clean water to drink and play with...
Rules and Laws What is the difference between rules and laws? Learn about Informed competition > What is the difference between rules and laws? Regulations are rules made and enforced by an authority. No matter what activities or sports you choose to do, school you...
The Constitution: Its Purpose What is the purpose of the Australian Constitution? Learn about the informed competition> What is the Constitution? The Constitution is a legal document setting out the basic laws for the government of Australia. It is structured so...