The Institute gave evidence yesterday before a public hearing of the Select Committee on the establishment of a National Integrity Commission, arguing that any such Commission must take into account concerns about the NSW ICAC model. Vice President Malcolm Stewart...
Sir Owen Dixon, the sixth Chief Justice of the High Court, was born 130 years today — on 28 April 1886 — in Hawthorn, Melbourne. He was widely lauded, both during his judicial career and afterwards, as Australia’s greatest judge, and indeed one of...
Read the Institute’s media release on the Crimes (Serious Crimes Protection Orders) Bill 2016, and the NSW Bar Association’s submission about the Bill referred to below. Alister Henskens’ attack on Noel Hutley S.C., President of the New South Wales Bar...
The Institute has lodged a submission with the Senate Select Committee on the Establishment of a National Integrity Commission, arguing that no such federal anti-corruption body is needed. Our submission noted that we favour strong anti-corruption institutions,...
The Rule of Law Institute of Australia condemns the NSW Government’s Crimes (Serious Crime Prevention Orders) Bill 2016 in the strongest terms, as a serious threat to the rule of law in New South Wales. The Institute acknowledges that the prevention of crime...
The report of Queensland’s Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation, chaired by former Queensland Supreme Court Justice Alan Wilson, was made publicly available last week. The Taskforce was announced a few months after the 2015 Queensland elections, which saw...