Event: Business and the Rule of Law

Event: Business and the Rule of Law

Today, the Rule of Law Institute co-hosted an event with the Australian Institute of Company Directors, attended by leading members of the Australian legal and business worlds. The event focused on the recent Hogan Lovells report, Risk and Return: Foreign Direct...
Sir Frank Gavan Duffy

Sir Frank Gavan Duffy

164 years ago today, the fourth Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia was born. Sir Frank Gavan Duffy, P.C., K.C.M.G, was born in Dublin on 29 February 1852, and came to Australia when he was four years old. His father, Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, was a famous...
Crimes rates in Australia

Crimes rates in Australia

Crime rates in Australia The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recently released the results of its seventh Crime Victimisation Survey, covering people’s experiences of personal and household crimes across the nation in 2014-15. The results of the report are...

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