Submission on NSW high risk offender legislation

Submission on NSW high risk offender legislation

The Institute has lodged a submission regarding NSW high risk offender legislation, noting that such legislation raises a number of rule of law concerns. The submission was lodged with the NSW Department of Justice, which was conducting a review of the Crimes (High...
Controversial Legal Changes in Poland

Controversial Legal Changes in Poland

The Institute’s new policy officer, William Shrubb, examines recent threats to the rule of law in Poland. Poland has been making headlines around the world over recent controversial changes to its public broadcasters and its constitutional court, made by the new...
Controversial Legal Changes in Poland

Courts and Social Media

Why would courts use social media? What are some of the issues they face in joining the ever changing 24 hour new-media cycle? This post by Robert Size explains some of the issues. Courts and Social Media A judicial system under the rule of law must be open and...
Justice and the Rule of Law in The Hague:  The Trial of Ratko Mladić

The ICTY and the Rule of Law

This post examines the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and discusses its legacy as its work nears completion. Read part two of this series on the ICTY by Uzma Sherieff about the Prosecution of Radtko Mladić The ICTY and the...

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