Case Note – Fitzgerald v R [2014] HCA 28

Case Note – Fitzgerald v R [2014] HCA 28

On the same day that the High Court handed down its ruling on expert evidence in Honeysett v R, dealt with in another case note, it also handed down a ruling about DNA evidence, in Fitzgerald v R [2014] HCA 28. In a mere 37 paragraphs, the Court unanimously quashed...
Senate Estimates Survey No.8 – Questions On Notice

Senate Estimates Survey No.8 – Questions On Notice

RoLIA’s eighth review of responses to questions on notice at Senate estimates hearings provided by government departments and agencies within the Commonwealth Treasury Portfolio again demonstrates a disregard for accountability and compliance with Parliamentary...
Magna Carta Committee – Celebrating the 800th Anniversary

Magna Carta Committee – Celebrating the 800th Anniversary

The Rule of Law Institute is pleased to announce the formation of the Magna Carta Coordinating Committee to celebrate, in Australia, the 800th Anniversary of its grant by King John of England on 15 June 1215. Speaking to The Australian, Professor Nicholas Cowdery AM...
Mash up – ‘One Punch’ Laws in Australia 2014

Mash up – ‘One Punch’ Laws in Australia 2014

The societal and legal issue of alcohol fueled violence and ‘one punch’ assaults has led to legislative change in a number of jurisdictions. This post brings together relevant information about current and proposed ‘one punch’ laws in...

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