Part II: Human Rights Breaches- Arbitrary Interference on Right to Privacy How does NSW ICAC measure up? NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”) first principal function as set out in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988...
Anti-Corruption Bodies The Separation of Powers is designed to provide checks and balances on power. Recently there has been an emergence of statutory bodies that sit ‘outside’ of the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, intended to act as an additional check...
What Safeguards does a Federal ICAC need? Designs for the proposed National Integrity Commission Benchmarks that could help you reach your own conclusions when the government unveils its plans. We already know a a little about the commission’s key functions...
Part I: Delayed Justice and Anti- Corruption Bodies How does NSW ICAC measure up? Delayed Justice The legacy of a fair and prompt trial goes back to clause 40 of the Magna Carta which states “To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or...
What Safeguards does a Federal ICAC need? Designs for the proposed National Integrity Commission Benchmarks that could help you reach your own conclusions when the government unveils its plans. We already know a a little about the commission’s key functions...
What is the role of ICAC? When the NSW parliament created the Independent Commission Against Corruption it wanted a powerful tool to weed out corruption in order to restore the state’s reputation after a series of scandals. The goal was admirable. The result is not. ...