Arguments for and against a Charter of Rights

Arguments for and against a Charter of Rights

Human Rights Act Arguments For and Against a Charter of Rights in Australia Do you think we should have a Bill of Rights or a Charter of Rights and what do you think the pros and cons of that are?  The team at the Rule of Law Education Centre interviewed Lorraine...
NSW Supreme Court, Free Press and Independent Judiciary

NSW Supreme Court, Free Press and Independent Judiciary

Return to Case Method Summary The Establishment of the NSW Supreme Court: Checks and Balances of a Free Press and Independent Judiciary  Case Method to develop understanding of an Independent Judiciary and the free press The below resources help teachers use the Case...
Human Rights Videos with Lorraine Finlay

Human Rights Videos with Lorraine Finlay

Human Rights Videos Release of new videos chatting to Lorraine Finlay, Australian Human Rights Commissioner   Click Here to go to videos The team at the Rule of Law Education Centre are excited with the release of our new videos on human rights in Australia....
Freedom of the Press in Australia

Freedom of the Press in Australia

Freedom of the Press Return to Principles Page Article by Robin Speed, Founder of the Rule of Law Education Centre.  Captain Phillip, on arrival in Australia in 1788, made no declaration of the freedom of the press nor any declaration of freedom of speech for the new...

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