Commentary and Respectful Debate
To defend the rule of law we encourage open discussion.
The exploration of ideas through respectful debate is the lifeblood of democracy and the rule of law. Our resources and commentary promote good governance in Australia by the rule of law and not one side of politics. We provide impartial and balanced commentary about the state of our democracy and the rule of law in Australia.
The Rule of Law Education Centre constructively engages in debate regarding the rule of law and, where appropriate challenges when the rule of law is under threat. It defends those foundations and principles that have been provided protection for hundreds of years by balancing the state’s power with the individual’s rights.
Commentary in the Media
Chris Merritt writes a weekly commentary in the Australian newspaper highlighting rule of law issues. These articles can be found directly at The Australia or clicking on the button below to go the Rule of Law Institute’s website.
Our commentary favours an activist approach to defending the rule of law instead of merely leaving things to the Parliament.
The judges do their best, but all Australians have a stake in the rule of law. Its defence, like the rule of law itself, is above politics. We take pride in the fact that we criticise both sides of politics when they forget the principles that support our democracy.
Defending the rule of law is not about gaining power and influence. It is about protecting Australians from the misuse of power. It is about the right to a fair trial, the presumption of innocence and courts that are not just independent but genuinely impartial.
Malcolm Stewart, Senior Vice President has written the following recent articles:
- Trump v US shows some should be above the law
- R v Lehrmann:and what happens when you disregard the Rule of law
- Judicial Overhaul in Israel
- The Rule of Law in Roe v Wade and Dobbs
- The Federal election and the registration of Political parties