
 As per direction from Courts NSW, all schools/universities etc. attempting to enter the Courts will be refused entry due to the current measures to manage the Co-vid 19.

The Chief Magistrate of the Local Court in accordance with section 7(1) of the Court Security Act 2005 has ordered that members of the public who do not have a legitimate reason associated with a particular matter listed before the Local Court of New South Wales or in relation to the exercise of the Jurisdiction of the Local Court not be admitted to the Local Court premises. This order is reviewed every 28 days and can be extended in accordance with Section 7(1B) of the Court Security Act 2005.

Click here read the full Order from Judge Graeme Henson AM, Chief Magistrate of the Local Court.

In light of this we have closed the booking system for the Court Visits and Law Day Outs. Until we have more certainty regarding when the Law Day Outs and Court Visits will recommence, we will not be taking bookings for Term 1. Should you require any further information please contact courtvisit@ruleoflaw.org.au.

In the meantime, our Law Day Facilitators have put together some resources that give you a taste of a Court Excursion that you can share with your students:



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