We hope you have received your Magna Carta Classroom activity pack in time to celebrate Magna Carta Day on 15 June.
These resources have been created to support your work in the classroom as students learn about the impact Magna Carta has had in recognising the rule of law in Australia.
Below are copies of the Posters and Activities we have sent you. We have also included the answers in case you need some help!
We would love to see the posters up on your wall. Please send us your photos to info@ruleoflaw.org.au or tag us on social media.

National curriculum outcomes covered in this resource kit:
AC9HC7K02 – understanding and explaining the origins of the characteristics of Australian democracy.
AC9HC7K03 – exploring the origins of Australia’s legal system, including the Australian Constitution, Magna Carta, and the rule of law.
AC9HC7S01 – investigating Australia’s political and legal system, including what is the rule of law?
AC9HC7S03 – identifying and explaining the differences between examples of how the system of government protects respect for human rights and the rule of law.