

Security, Surveillance and the Rule of Law
Prize value: $1500

[pl_button type=”inverse” link=”http://www.ruleoflaw.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Essay-Prize-Security-Surveillance-and-the-Rule-of-Law1.pdf” target=”blank”]Download Competition Flyer PDF[/pl_button]


In the light of recent cases of  journalists obtaining national security information, discuss whether national security agencies such as the NSA and ASIO should be equally subject to the rule of law principles of accountability, transparency and public scrutiny as other executive government agencies.

In particular, what protections, if any, should there be for journalists and sources who disclose information about their operations?


Please refer to the Rule of Law Institute’s website and its statement of principles in framing your argument. Some stimulus for discussion is also provided on the competition flyer.

Word limit

2000 words including footnotes.

Open to

All students enrolled in Undergraduate or Postgraduate Journalism Programs at University of Technology, Sydney.

Closing date

Friday 27 June, 2014

Submission requirements

Please submit two hard copies to the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism Office, Bon Marche Level 5, and an electronic copy to jan.mcclelland@uts.edu.au

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