
Click to view the A3 Poster

The Rule of Law Institute has compiled an education resource ‘FIFA and the Rule of Law‘ that explores the relationship between FIFA, US law, extraditions, extra-territorial effect of laws, and the idea that organisations and citizens are accountable to the law.

Also available is an A3 poster explaining the rule of law with reference to the FIFA scandal.

FIFA has been embroiled in controversy in recent days (and months and years…)

Corruption scandals have rocked the association, with seven FIFA officials arrested recently.


Click to view the A4 Booklet

The US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch has declared that these arrests are only the beginning, and the Swiss government has launched a parallel investigation into corruption and bribery claims surrounding the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 world cup.

Sepp Blatter announced that he would stand down as President and the French (1998) and South African (2010) world cups were implicated in bribery scandals (also here).

Ireland admitted to accepting ‘hush money’ from FIFA.

Vox has a helpful thread outlining the events and linking articles together.

The Washington Post has helpful articles explaining the US law being used to prosecute officials.

The Daily Beast explores the link between the US mafia and the FIFA prosecutions.

The Guardian examined American soft power is a post-American world.

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