The Rule of Law in Australia
The Rule of Law is a legal tradition in Australian society. At its simplest it requires that we have just laws that are followed and enforced.While the law and the needs of society change, the rule of law principles as seen in the Rule of Law wheel remains the same: it promotes freedom from tyranny by ensuring checks and balances on the use of power.
The Magna Carta
Our Magna Carta and Legacy of Magna Carta posters offer a small glimpse of the history of the rule of law – ideas as important 800 years ago (when the Magna Carta was granted) as they are today.
Division of Powers
This poster explains the Division of powers between the Commonwealth Government and the States and Territories.
Human Rights
The Rule of Law and human rights are interlinked. Many human rights stem from the origins of the Magna Carta.
Forms of Government
This poster explains different roles and responsibilities in a democracy where people vote in representatives to make laws on their behalf.
The Five Main Forms of Governance
There are five main forms of governance that reflect a set of characteristics that can be found in all types of government around the world today. This poster is an excellent digital classroom resource that has been designed for a Smartboard presentation, showing the difference between a democratic society when compared with an autocratic regime.
The Australian Constitution
This poster summarises the 4 areas of the Constituion: Democracy, Separation of Powers, Division of Powers and the rule of law.
NSW Parliament: Bicameral System
This poster explains the different roles and responsibilities of the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament in NSW.
The Rule of Law and Economics
Clearly defined property rights, secured by the rule of law reduce risk and drive investment.
Types of Law
What are the elements of Civil Law and Criminal Law?
Presumption of Innocence
This poster explains the main principles of the presumption of innocence and the implications of these principles.
Media and Social Media
These posters look at the impact of social media and media on the justice system.
Australian Executive Government
These POSTERS have been created to help your students understand the difference between the Federal Executive Council, The Cabinet, and the National Cabinet.
Which of these bodies have the responsibility of acting as one of the three branches of power, according to the Australian Constitution?
How has the National Cabinet played a role in managing crisis during the 2020 pandemic?
These are important questions your students should be able to answer. Understanding the parameters of how these groups operate is part of maintaining ‘responsible’ governance.
Federal Executive Council Cabinet POSTER National Cabinet POSTER
Civics and Citizenship
Posters have been created for both primary and secondary classrooms to help students easily understand basic concepts of governance, freedoms and society. Click on the below images to be taken to the Poster PDF.
EUREKA! Shaping Australian Values and Democratic Rights
Australia Day also provides an opportunity for Australians to remember the events at Ballarat where the Eureka Stockade occurred in 1854. It was during this time that Australians fought to have a voice in who will govern us. It was a collective effort, that lost the battle against the colonial troops on Sovereign Hill, but ultimately led to legislative reforms. The diggers came together and demanded respect, equality, and fair representation in government – the very same democratic beliefs all Australians value today.
Australia Day 2022
Australia is one of the most successful democracies in the world – and historically, achieved in record time! Australia Day provides a great opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate shared values, such as respect, inclusion, responsibility, and equality.
Australian History
Learning from the achievements and mistakes of the past, can help build a safe and cohesive society into the future, for all Australians
The Instructions 1788
The new governor had quite the challenge before him. How was he going to create a new colony with so many convicts and ensure they are treated equally and fairly?
He’s going to need some help.