
Human Rights Videos

Release of new videos chatting to Lorraine Finlay, Australian Human Rights Commissioner


The team at the Rule of Law Education Centre are excited with the release of our new videos on human rights in Australia. Lorraine Finlay, Human Rights Commissioner with the Australian Human Rights Commission, sat down to chat on camera with one of our Paralegals, Kate, at the Rule of Law Education Centre about human rights in Australia.

Human Rights are studied by students throughout Australia and these videos are for teachers and students to broaden their understanding of human rights and how they are protected in Australia.  The content and questions are matched with the syllabus for:

  • NSW HSC Legal Studies
  • Victoria VCE Legal Studies
  • Queensland QCE Legal Studies
  • SA/NT SACE Legal Studies
  • WA WACE Politics and LAW
  • Tasmania Legal Studies

as well as content within the History and Commerce Syllabus.

The first video provides a discussion on various aspects of the promotion, protection and enforcement of rights in an Australian context and covers not only human rights basics, but also discussions on how we prioritise rights, the introduction of an Australian Bill of Rights in the Constitution, Asylum seekers, the rule of law and the recent High Court decision in the case of NZYQ, and the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission and its relationship with the Australian Government.

Three contemporary issues videos provide an examination of Modern Slavery, the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on human rights and the right to free speech in Australia. These videos also look at how in Australia we address the tensions between conflicting rights and opinions in meeting the needs of members of the Australian community.

Video 1:  Human Rights Explainer

Human Rights and Modern Slavery

Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence

Human Rights and Freedom of Speech

Further Articles by Human Rights Commissioner

Further Resources on Human Rights

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