
Richard Ings

Former CEO and chair of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority from 2006-2010, Richard Ings, will be the first speaker at RoLIA’s conference on Sports, Drugs and the Rule of Law on Friday 15 November. Richard will discuss ASADA’s role in dealing with the controversial issue of drugs in sport, and the new powers given to ASADA to interrogate athletes over suspected drug use.

In the past few months Richard has been very critical of the secret nature of ASADA’s investigations, especially in relation to the Essendon AFL team and its players. Speaking to Fox Sports in August 2013, Richard said “A bit more communication from the agency would go a long way in helping people to understand exactly the process they’re working through and potential timeframe.”

For those confused over the relationship between ASADA, WADA (the World Anti-Doping Agency) and the role of the clubs and various sports tribunals, Richard will clarify how they work together in investigating athletes accused of using banned substances and penalising those athletes.

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