
Juggling competing needs in the justice system: a rule of law and human rights perspective

NSW Legal Studies Association Conference 

27 March 2024

Click here for Human Rights Poster

Click here for presentation slides

Click here to sign up for the webinar on 1 May 2024

Justine Hanks: Education Manager 

Rule of Law Education Centre

At the New South Wales Legal Studies Association Conference 2024, Education Manager Justine Hanks looked at Juggling the competing needs in the Justice system.  For those who missed the talk, there will be a free webinar on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Click here to sign up.

 A copy of the slides can be found below:



New Poster Released at LSA 2024: Human Rights and the Rule of Law

The Rule of Law wheel gives us the foundations that help to create conditions of equality and fairness, provided that each is well represented and protected by the arms of the separation of powers and the participation of the people.

There is a clear link between Human rights and Rule of Law. 

For the people of nation to not have to rise up to improve their situation, those rights must be protected by the Rule of Law. People should all experience equality and fairness, and will have no need to rebel against their authorities if they have these conditions, which is the existence of the Rule of Law.



New Resource released for LSA 2024: Post Sentencing Considerations- Balancing the rights of individuals and the community

What should we do with offenders who have completed their sentence, but are considered too dangerous to let back into the community? Do we keep them in prison? Or do we release them with strict conditions? Is it fair to continue punishing them once they have ‘done their time’? Does doing so adhere to Rule of Law principles? How are the rights of the victim, society, and offender being balanced in such cases?

This Case Brief will explore the post-sentencing considerations of Continued Detention and Extended Supervision Orders (CDO’s and ESO’s) applied at state and Commonwealth levels.


Magna Carta Legacy poster

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