
Queensland’s response to organised crime is a law reform issue of current relevance, as the Labor Government considers its changes to the LNP Government’s 2013 anti-bikie and anti-organised-crime laws.

This resource brings together relevant media articles about Queensland’s response:

  • Richard Ackland at The Guardian outlines the findings of the Wilson legislative review of the Queensland Criminal Organisations Act 2009 and discusses links to legislation in NSW
  • Joshua Robertson at The Guardian summarises the recommendations of the recent QLD Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation, and sets out the political response to those recommendations;
  • Amy Remeikis at the Brisbane Times places Queensland’s anti-bikie laws in context, discussing their history and other states’ approaches;
  • Criminologist and former policeman Dr Terry Goldsworthy at The Conversation discusses the recent Taskforce report, and analyses the potential impact of the repeal of the laws, as recommended by the Taskforce;
  • Benedict Brook at News.com.au reviews the Taskforce report, and various expert opinions on the anti-bikie laws;
  • Caroline Marcus at The Courier Mail argues that repeal Queensland’s current anti-bikie laws would undermine a successful legal regime that has benefitted the state; and
  • An article from AAP carried by the Brisbane Times describes the disagreements between Queensland police and the state’s anti-corruption body about the impact of the anti-bikie laws.
  • Further reading can be found on the Institute’s case studies page on Legal Responses to Organised Crime in Australia

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