Commerce and Legal Studies Resources
The Rule of Law Education Program encourages active participation by teaching Australian students about the rule of law.
A society that supports the rule of law is not one composed of uncritical and obedient citizens; rather it is one whose citizens understand and respect just laws, are aware of their function and know how to engage with them constructively and how to challenge them as needed, within the appropriate mechanisms and institutions. – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Topic Areas for Education Explainers
The Rule of Law Education Centre writes resources for Australian School students to help understand the rule of law in action.
Click on the below areas to view the relevant teaching material and resources.
Australian Colonies and the development of the Rule of Law in Australia
Civics, Citizenship and Laws
Civil Law (including Defamation)
i. Overaching Principles of the Constitution
b) Constitution: What is its purpose?
i. Palmer Challenge to Border Closures
d) Reserve Powers and the Whitlam Dismissal
i) 2023 Referendum
i. Explainer Information and Video
ii. Voice: Legal Realities Both Sides of Debate
iii. Claims in Official YES NO Pamphlet
Crime: Criminal Investigation Process and Bail
Crime: Criminal Trial Process
Crime: Sentencing and Punishment
NEW: Post-Sentencing Considerations: Balancing the rights of individuals and the Community
a) Case Note Rv Dowdle- Sentencing and Judicial Independence
b) Case Note Covid-19 Restrict: Sentencing and Judical Discretion
c) 2017 Sentencing Laws Update
d) Sentencing at the International Criminal Court
b) Mandatory Sentencing Resource
i. 2014 Law Reform and NSW Mandatory Sentencing for violent assaults
ii. Case Study- Mandatory Sentencing
Court Hierarchy
i) General Jurisdictions and Hierachies
Curriculum Links and Support for Teachers
Democracy and systems of government
Human Rights
Simple explainers and activities for students on Human Rights
a) Historical Background of Human Rights
i. Video Series on Human Rights with Australian Human Rights Commissioner
ii. Human Rights and Rule of Law Poster
i. International Treaty Bodies
d) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
e) The International Bill of Rights
f) Does Australia need a Human Rights Act?
International Law
Media and Social Media
Pandemic and the Rule of Law
Top Education Resources
Magna Carta today
Terra Nullius
Australian History for Civics
First Civil Case: The Lost Parcel
NSW Supreme Court