
What is needed is an understanding by both governments and the people that elect them that adherence to rule of law principles…is not negotiable” Kate Burns RoLIA CEO

The impact of the so called ‘bikie’ laws introduced in Queensland in  October 2013 is becoming more evident. Cases involving the arrest of  a Victorian on holiday in Queensland, a female librarian having a drink in a pub with her partner and a friend and judicial concern about the impact of the solitary confinement on remand prisoners have all highlighted the significant challenges to the fundamental rule of law principles of presumption of innocence and equality of treatment before the law.

Below are links to current media and cases that relate to the enforcement of the legislation.

Media and Blogs

Bail Decisions

These decisions relate to new legislation introduced in October and November 2013:

Halilovic, Re v [2014] QSC 005 – Victorian man charged with criminal  association on the Gold Coast

Carew v The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [2014] QSC 001 -Sunshine Coast man released on bail after time in solitary confinement

Callanan v Attendee X [2013] QSC 340 – Justice Peter Applegarth’s reasons for reducing a sentence for contempt due to impact of solitary confinement


jackie_twitter_pic Jackie Charles is RoLIA’s Education Officer. Join the discussion about rule of law issues with Jackie on Twitter @JCharRoL.

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