
Our second conference, held in conjunction with the NSW Bar Association, was held on Saturday 6 November 2010.

The chair of the conference was the Hon J J Spigelman AC, Chief Justice of the NSW Supreme Court

Speakers were:

The Hon Justice J D Heydon AC, Justice of the High Court of Australia

The Hon Justice P Brereton AM RFD, Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW

Dr Melissa Perry QC, Sixth Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers

Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, NSW Director of Public Prosecutions

Professor George Williams, University of NSW

The Right Honourable Lord Goldsmith QC PC, European Chair of Litigation, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and the United Kingdom’s Attorney-General from 2001-2007

Robin Speed, President of RoLIA and Richard McHugh SC, Banco Chambers chaired the two panel sessions.


Please follow the below links for the papers presented at the conference:

Justice Paul Brereton, AM, RFD The Director of Military Prosecutions, the Afghanistan Charges and the Rule of Law

Nicholas Cowdry AM QC The Rule of Law and a Director of Public Prosecutions

Lord Goldsmith QC Deomocracy Coping with Terror The British Perspective

Dr Melissa Perry QC Administrative Justice and the Rule of Law: Key Values in the Digital Era

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