
The President of the Institute, Robin Speed, has drafted and lodged a submission with the NSW parliamentary committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption, arguing that a new approach is needed.

The Committee is conducting an inquiry on the issues raised by the report of the ICAC Inspector, David Levine, which was provided to the Premier on 12 May this year.

The Committee will review the powers, current governance and oversight arrangements, and options for reform of the anti-corruption body.

Mr Speed’s submission included an in-depth review of the Murray Kear case study, indicating the flaws in ICAC’s exercise of its powers, and the judicial findings in favour of Mr Kear.

Mr Speed called on ICAC:

To develop a culture of the presumption of innocence and to justly and fairly exercise its powers.

Mr Speed’s submission is available here.

Further information on the inquiry is available here. The deadline for submissions is 22 July 2016.

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