
Beware the ripple effect on rule of law 2014

Today in NSW new mandatory minimum jail terms of up to eight years to deal with drunken violence and so-called “coward’s punches” were introduced. These changes, which affect the role of intoxication in forming intention and/or mitigation of penalty...

Law Reform: Mandatory Sentences in NSW 2014

Law Reform to deal with violent assaults Introduction NSW Govt. Toughens Laws for Intoxicated Offenders The Rule of Law and Mandatory Sentences Do Mandatory Sentences Provide Just Outcomes? Questions and Activities See also our post explaining the assault causing...
“Political toughness” no excuse for dismal laws 2014

“Political toughness” no excuse for dismal laws 2014

RoLIA CEO, Kate Burns, wrote in the Australian today about the Queensland Government’s anti-bikie legislation and the worrying trend in criminal law to sacrifice fundamental rule of law principles in the name of “political toughness”. From a...

Mash-up: Mandatory Sentencing in Australia 2014

Recent events in NSW have focused attention on mandatory sentencing. This post brings together relevant information about current mandatory sentencing debates in Australia. Click on the links below to view material for the relevant jurisdiction: New South Wales...

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